Hot Tub Clarity - An Easy Guide For New and Frustrated Hot Tub Owners Available Soon!


If you are a hot tub owner, you know that keeping your hot tub clean is a top priority. A new book called Hot Tub Clarity will soon be available on Amazon in paperback, ebook and audio book,  and it promises to provide helpful tips on keeping your hot tub clean and clear all year long.


The author of the book, Jacque The Hot Tub Lady, is a current hot tub owner herself who knows a thing or two about maintaining water clarity. In the book, she provides readers with an in-depth look at all of the different factors that can affect water clarity, such as pH levels, filtration, and sanitization. She also advises how to prevent and treat common hot tub problems like cloudy water,  and strong odors.  Jacque will go into detail about her favorite 3 sanitizing systems.   Chlorine, Frog(R) @ Ease System, and Salt-Water Hot tubs.


If you are interested in learning more about keeping your hot tub clean and clear, check out Hot Tub Clarity when it becomes available on Amazon in the next few weeks!


Why is Water Clarity Important?

Maintaining water clarity in your hot tub is essential for several reasons. First, it helps ensure that your hot tub is safe to use. When soakers can see clearly through the water, they are less likely to accidentally hurt themselves on sharp objects or slip on unseen obstacles.


In addition, Clarifying your water makes it more aesthetically pleasing. Nobody wants to soak in a murky hot tub full of floating debris! Keeping your water clear will also help prevent staining and fading your hot tub’s liner over time.


Finally, having clear water can actually extend the lifespan of your hot tub by preventing corrosion and other damage that can be caused by dirty water.


Tips for Maintaining Water Clarity

Now that we’ve answered the question “Why is water clarity important?” let’s take a look at some tips for maintaining water clarity in your own hot tub:

1. Test and adjust your pH levels regularly. pH levels that are too high or too low can cause cloudy water and other problems. Aim for a pH level between 7.2 and 7.8.

2. Make sure your filter is clean and working correctly. A clogged or dirty filter will not be able to do its job properly, which can lead to cloudy water. It’s a good idea to check your filter every month or so and give it a thorough cleaning if necessary.

3. Shock your hot tub regularly using chlorine or another sanitizer. Shocking helps kill bacteria and other contaminants that can cause cloudy water or strong odors.

4. Drain and refill your hot tub every 3-4 months (or more often if needed). Over time, dirt and other contaminants will build up in your water, making it difficult to maintain clarity even with regular shock treatments. Draining and refilling will help eliminate these contaminants so you can start fresh with clean water.



If you want to keep your hot tub clean and clear all year long, be sure to check out Hot Tub Clarity when it hits Amazon shelves soon! This informative new book provides everything you need to know about maintaining water clarity, including tips on testing pH levels, cleaning filters, shocking,and draining/refilling your tub as needed. Order your copy today!  You can check out more information here:

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